Shipping Info

Shipping Information

  • Standard shipping within the continental United States on standard weighted items (0lbs - 10lbs) will be shipped at a $7.00 rate
  •  For items above standard shipping weight, (furniture, heavy home décor, etc.) will be quoted in a separate invoice via email.  The items will not ship until that invoice has been paid. 
  • We try to get all items out in 24 to 48 hours of received order. Our standard shipping option is USPS priority mail, which normally takes 2-5 business days.  If your items are over 10lbs we will contact you about another shipping method, time frame and additional fees. 
  • We are not responsible for returned shipping or lost returns.  We do recommend tracking when returning an item and keeping all shipping receipts for your record.
  • We are not responsible for lost/stolen packages.  If your tracking shows that your package has been delivered, feel free to file a claim with USPS by clicking on this link:   USPS policy states you must wait 7-15 days before you can file a claim for your lost/stolen packages.